Home রাজনীতি people of Assam and Tripura are fearing from inclusion of foreigners as citizen of India

people of Assam and Tripura are fearing from inclusion of foreigners as citizen of India

people of Assam and Tripura are fearing from inclusion of foreigners as citizen of India
Rasmina Rahman, Advocate, Assam

Since 2014 the so called Hindu hriday Samarat Narendra Modi came into power, the Indian society visibly divided in communal lines between Hindus and Muslims. In 2016 the fascist BJP government further deepened that communal division by bringing the CAB (Citizenship Amendment Bill). Before 2019 Lok Sabha elections BJP passed the bill in Lok Sabha, in its last sessions but failed to pass the bill in Rajya Sabha (it is an issue of debate whether BJP failed to pass the bill in Rajya Sabha or it was pre planned). In the election manifesto of 2019 BJP made it clear that they will amend The Citizenship Act and accommodate non Muslim refugees of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan as Citizens of India, but interestingly avoid the matter of Tamil hindu refugees of Srilanka. No country in the world has ever come forward to give citizenship on the basis of religion except Israel.

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In 2019 BJP came into power with majority for 2nd term and as expected they amended more than 40 labour laws to serve the interest of their masters i.e. Adani, Ambani etc. and also amended the Citizenship Act 1955 on 11th December 2019 to make a permanent vote bank. After the CAB became C(A)A  the people of Assam  spontaneously came to streets and revolt against arbitrary, oppressive act of Government of India. Assamese people are suffering from the problem of illegal migrants since independence, The Assam agitation by Assamese people was the result of that consequence. After the long agitation for 6 years and lots of bloodshed of innocent peoples by Indian state and agitators the historic Assam Accord was signed between Govt. of India and AASU (All Assam Students Union). According to Assam accord 25th March 1971 became the cutoff date for determination of foreigners for Assam only and for the rest of India it is 1951. One of the garrulous minister of BJP Himanta Biswa Sharma publicly spoke that the Assam Accord is a worth less piece of paper but ironically when the same Himanta Biswa Sarma was a minister in Congress Government he was an ardent supporter of Assam Accord.   

The historic Assam accord made the provision of National Registration of Citizens (NRC) in Assam to determine and solve the long troubling problem of illegal immigrants in Assam but no government tried to conduct a fair NRC process, so at last the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India under its own observation conduct NRC which finally ended in 2019. Since independence the issue of illegal immigrants is the main issue for Assam Vidhan Sabha elections, but no government addressed the issue with a motive to solve but rather made it a zombie issue. The NRC process was run for almost 6 years and more than 19 lakhs people excluded from the final list. There are some opposition against the final NRC results but most of those are politically driven and made by BJP, Sangh Parivar and some regionalists. The Supreme Court also made provisions to include the names of those citizens of India  who excluded from NRC due to some reasons. For a tiny nationality like Assamese it was a ray of hope that a long unsolved problem of illegal immigrants was about to solve.

Due to globalization, liberalization and privatization many small nationalities are in the brink of extinction and Assamese nationality is in the same row.  Assamese language and culture are greatly endangered, according to 2011 census the Assamese speaking people in Assam limited to only 48 % and if due to C(A)A  50  Lakhs of Bengali speaking Hindu Bangladeshis come to Assam and get citizenship then in near future Assamese language will lost its status as state language for forever and it will be repetition of past when Bengali was a state language for 2 decades. There are some other reasons behind the decrease of Assamese speaking people to discuss those issues we have to deeply understand the Assamese society. The tribal population of Assam ceases to identify themselves as Assamese rather they prefer to uphold their tribal identity. This happens due to insensible politics by Assamese leadership and unequal distribution of wealth and power among the inhabitants of Assam. The Assamese people are also economically backward and most of the wealth and position enjoyed by less than 15% people of Assam who are mainly caste Hindus so dissatisfaction arose among the Assamese people and clear division grown up and formation of Bodoland Territorial Area District (BTAD) is the result of such division.

Home Minister Amit Shah openly announced about the chronology of CAB and NRC in the parliament and before media and directly threatened the muslims. C(A)A is an unconstitutional and communal Act for mainland India but for North Eastern states Assam and Tripura it is Unconstitutional, Communal and nationality destroyer Act. When the rest of the India suffers from the fear of exclusion from NRC but indigenous people of Assam and Tripura are fearing from inclusion of foreigners as citizen of India. After passing the Act lakhs of people spontaneously came to streets to protest and in many places protestors  attacked BJP persons and their  house and even burned down BJP MLA’s house also. The ruling  BJP Government of Assam become panic so by imposing curfew and internet shutdown tried to pacify the movement but unfortunately the movement become more fierce and at last the Police Killed 5 Assamese youths. Various propagandas made by the Government and Sangh Parivar to decimate the spirit of the movement, they propagate that the movement is a movement of Muslims but all tricks and conspiracies of Government become futile and movement is still going on.

Assam has a long history of protest and movements but this time the movement  is different from previous ones because this time till date the movement is against the state not against any other nationality nor against individual.

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